Vuesax Framework
Components for Vuejs
We love what we do. Let us help you do what You love.

Segoe cute
Do you want to participate in our initiative? We are open.


Potted cactus Red Shoes

Vuejs Components
Framework components for VueJS. Create instances quickly with a few lines of code.

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Vuesax is an open source framework and you can help even in simple details

- Bruno Hoffman
- Chad kerley
- Summer rose
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Reusable Components and easy to implement
With Vuesax you can use any component with few lines of code
and with great customization, and most importantly very easy to use and understand.
Do you need support for applications or Responsive Pages?
Vuesax components have responsive support and adapt to each type of size, apart from that you can easily use the grid components to generate visual changes based on screen size either a phone, tablet or desktop.
These are some of the libraries, languages and technologies
that we use to create this beautiful framework
Adobe XD
Vuesax is here to help you create your ideas and develop those great projects
Do you have an idea? or some project for a client, vuesax can help you create faster and work less giving you everything you need to implement an interface from the simplest to the most complex.
Unique and beautiful design
Our designs are unique for each component and are not anchored to any visual trends or design rules, which makes us unique and of course your projects as well.
Some Words validating Vuesaxare oxygen for us Thanks!
Author of @nuxt_js
I have to say, Vuesax 4 is 😍
Awesome news 🎉 Best looking Vue component library 🔥
Create a serverless mobile web application with Vue (ts), Vuesax and Firebase
Vuesax 4.0 UI components are very beautiful, look forward to your continuous updates 😻😻😻
@vuesax is one of more unique UI libraries for @vuejs. Its author @luisdfly would want to focus on the upcoming 4.x release, but with a responsibility to maintain 3.x version, it's not easy. You can help him a lot by taking over some of those tasks.
Love the work you do, this looks great. Is this going to be part of @vuesax 4.0 or it's just a stand-alone component
I personally like @vuesax , although it's not mature yet, but nothing that could not be resolved by contributing to make it better!
I recently discovered #vuesax, my favorite component library for #VueJS and that is not complete yet.
Create modern and modern sites with Vuesax!
@vuesax: A new awesome component library based on Vue js 2.0